Angele Style
Journal Of An Athlete In Training
Monday, February 1, 2021
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
Sunday, June 25, 2017
Dance Is A Journey
100 Degrees today so up early to walk the San Francisco hills. Ran into my "role model" . She walks 9 to 10 miles every morning then home to lift weights and stretches. She said it is hard because she owns a retail business in the Pearl District.
Okay...I am a basic slob compared to her. Do not compare yourself to anyone. hard!!!!
Passion to return to ballet class returned this morning. Will I or won't I renew my commitment?
In the NOW I am breathing, smiling, setting egg timer for every hour to walk around the block. Today added stretching into my morning routine. Pavlovas personal lover has been my ballet classes for the past 25 to 30 years. Have I broken up with ballet?
Ah, what a dusty answer gets the soul
when hot for certainties in our life.
Quotation from Modern Love, 1862 about the break-up of a marriage.
Okay...I am a basic slob compared to her. Do not compare yourself to anyone. hard!!!!
Passion to return to ballet class returned this morning. Will I or won't I renew my commitment?
In the NOW I am breathing, smiling, setting egg timer for every hour to walk around the block. Today added stretching into my morning routine. Pavlovas personal lover has been my ballet classes for the past 25 to 30 years. Have I broken up with ballet?
Ah, what a dusty answer gets the soul
when hot for certainties in our life.
Quotation from Modern Love, 1862 about the break-up of a marriage.
Friday, April 28, 2017
Let's Hack The Code
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One year and a half on this planet |
Me, the athlete in training/dancer is still going on my healthy daily Swing Dance Walks up the S. F. Hills and applying for work and collecting unemployment until July. After 25 years conducting outbound calls to major corporations nationwide to recruit participants for research studies...I am OVER IT!!! It was FUN but...that journey has ended. Now I am only interested in work fielding inbound calls and listed with online job sites with the title.....Receptionist.
The other day I heard the billionaire Mark Cuban in an interview say...."if you have a people oriented type job you are going to be replaced by ROBOTICS." He was asked to give an example of what kinds of jobs that will be and the first one out of his mouth was...RECEPTIONIST.
I'm not sure about the quest to prevent aging. We are part of nature and different species age fast or slow yet everything ages. When we prevent the laws of nature how does that work out for us? I have heard when man uses technology to change the elements in the forest, or mess with the spawning of salmon bad things can and do happen.
I'm not sure I want to live long enough that no matter who I call for no matter what reason I will reach a ROBOT. Can you imagine a life where you make a call and punch in all the required numbers on the phone tree only to end up with a ROBOT at the end? I can't. I can't. That would ruin any chance I had for a healthy lifestyle. My quest for longevity ends there.🏃🏃🏃
Thursday, March 23, 2017
Women Who Dare
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Daughter, Granddaughter, Myself July 2016 |
My quiet time brings silence. Knowing silence is guidance my job is to not panic when that is all I hear. "Hello darkness my old friend...I've come to speak with you again". Women who dare do not conform. They listen to their own songs. It takes strength to listen on a deep level. This simple concept to just STOP...the stories....the doing...and just be quiet is not something we are taught to be productive. We constantly ask and are being asked..."What did you do today'? If the answer is...NOTHING...the response is...What's wrong?
Growing up I never wanted an Ordinary Life. I did want to be the lady on the daring trapeze. To be born, raised, live, and die in one town would be the worst. Then at the age of ten year old sister drown. That is when I discovered what the worst really felt like. A movie came out called "Ordinary People" and I saw the story of my life on the big screen. Great novels, songs, and films let us know...we are not alone.
This AIT walks the S.F. Hills every day, applies for work online, goes grocery shopping, journals, reads, watches the evening news and some favorite YouTube channels all with a "quiet passive mind" in order to hear... what is new? Turns out my "ordinary life" is challenging me to dare to give up unnecessary things and business affairs...whatever that means?
Friday, March 10, 2017
Are You Normal
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The Terminator |
Myself an Athlete In Training I sit here in front of my picture window and watch joggers, dog walkers, bikers, employees at Johns Landing Watertower, all with places to go and things to do. Unemployed I have no where to be nothing to do just Free To Be Me. I have my Vanilla Carmel cup of coffee, dressed in my Walmart pajama bottoms, with $4.99 wool tights underneath, a camisole with a long sleeve worn out thermal and a white hoodie over top ready to go walk the San Francisco Hills. this what I am supposed to be doing? After 25 years of working this normal????
There she is again. She walks past my window every morning and every night. She has no idea she is my role model. With her beautiful, elegant long-legged gazelle like movements for the past ten years I have seen her. Once I asked her if she walked the S.F. Hills? She said..."yes sometimes three times." I walk the hills one time and consider it my complete full-body aerobic exercise for the day. She walks in every kind of weather just like the postal service only they get paid for it. I asked her once how she can be so consistent? She said..."I love ALL the elements." That is my new mantra. Is that normal?
Marlo Thomas had an album called Free To Be You And Me my sweet, precious five year old daughter listened to daily. She had a major trauma happen in her life losing not only her two big brothers but her father as well due to divorce. No one else at her grade school had divorced parents. She asked..."why" she was different? Divorce and blended families were not normal at that time. The message of that song forty years ago is more relevant today than ever. With "Rump" for a so-called President freedom means having to "fit in". I heard just yesterday on the radio a mayor of a town say to a woman wearing a hijab..."Act normal or GET OUT".
I woke this morning thinking I need to be an ACTIVIST for diversity. But I can't be in throngs of people. I could be the one up on the platform yelling into the microphone but I need to have a name like Meryl or Rosie for that. Are you aware everyone is just automatically being asked to "fit in"? Every retail outlet, corporation, restaurants, movie theaters, airlines, need you to be a member of theirs now. I understand I pay double for everything in life now because I refuse to join anything. I am not part of any organization religious or otherwise, no for profit or non profit organizations, and wonder..."is it normal to be a member of everything and everyplace you go in life now?
I do not want to be a member of your marketing schemes. I do not want to even be asked if I want to join your group think mentality. But that is feeling almost impossible now... to be Free To Be Me economically. I am paying the price. Is anyone else paying attention to this? Have you already joined hands? Is America First really going to be our "new normal"? I hope not.
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
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Giant Road Runner, Las Cruces,, New Mexico |
How did I get here? January 2017 my job moved to our Las Cruces location. I felt like a contestant on Project Runway. "One day you're IN and the next day a Giant Road Runner takes your job. OK....get a grip and check in with one of my mentors Caroline Myss..."when change happens it's like entering a mystery. GET EXCITED!!!"
Hey, I can do that. I have an affinity with living in the unknown preferring how much more interesting it is than a daily 8 to 5 grind. That is until time to pay the rent.
My job now is to focus on my own progress. Being UE is a process. So how am I doing?
Relax your face, relax your hands, and your whole body relaxes I tell myself. A yoga axiom that works for all occasions. Except that "Donny one-note" reading a prompter last night drones on in my head as obnoxious as being stuck holding on the UE help line .
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