"We're going to be positive, positive, positive". That is a line from one of my favorite movies about relationships called "Knocked Up". She admits she had to drink 3 Red Bulls to feel that way but I have only had to drink 1 can of Starbucks Double Shot. This is my third week of not having any work with none in sight meaning no income.
Don't even try calling for Unemployment. I used to be able to process a claim online but now no matter what option I choose and there is about 7 of them I get to a screen that tells me I have to contact my UE claims representative. When I call the number it takes me through a no less than 5 minute recording about various UE issues and then......and only then says. "Due to a high volume of calls you may want to call back later." I venture to say that recording stays on 24/7. If you do not hang up the recording takes you through a series of so many questions that needs me to key in a number on my little digi cell phone that if the number does not register it says, "call ended" and you have to start the whole process all over again. Yes this fun loving, look on the bright side, be positive ME turns into a livid raving maniac!!!!! I decided to go to the UE office. There is none. All is done online or over the phone.
Back to being positive......my unpaid vacation is glorious. I am basking in the sun, reading in the shade, walking walking, walking, and taking some ballet classes. All of my favorite things. I just finished reading "Encounters: a memoir"by Dorothy Norman.
I enjoy her style of writing because it is personal and did not seem contrived. I learned a great deal about history, art, and all of her many famous encounters in the 1930's, 40's and 50's. Turn on the news today and CNN is discussing the exact same issues in the exact same way as they were back then during the Great Depression. Different era.....same party's, same discourse.
Back to positive.....A gentleman approached me in the grocery store the other day, and introduced himself. I remembered a part I had read in this book. "Whatever fills you with delight, or wonder, or love, or awe is wonderful. The event that counts, a person, a bird, a flower, produces a wonderful response and when it happens it is good in a way that needs no explaining."