Thursday, November 15, 2012

Are You Running On Social Media

What have you been up to?  If the answer is, "nothing" the next question is, "Are you okay?"  We are a culture of "doers" and if you are not on that merry-go-round with hundreds or thousands of "followers"  then you may be a monk,  a zen Buddhist, one who has been diagnosed as psychologically ill, or a lone ranger like myself. 
Personality Tests
The Myers Briggs Personality Tests I studied in college placed me as an INFP.  Only one percent of the population preference type.  It was one of the most freeing experiences of my life to discover that I was not a loser I was just different.  These tests are quite fascinating and have taught me many lessons over the years.  The premise is as I understand it we cannot understand each other but we can learn to appreciate each other.
Can one be actively participating in this world and not be a runner?  Watching marathons one would wonder but even though it seems like everyone is doing it there are many who don't.  What about "social media"?  Why is everyone so addicted to their I-phones?  Instead of trying to figure out why the world operates as it does, or my country, or my workplace, or my family, or my friends, I have learned it is my task to understand myself.  It seems I am always on a mission.  I place all kinds of rules and idealistic expectations on myself and keep on myself until I get an epiphany and hear,  "Hey you...give yourself some slack".  That voice came to me this weekend and I just smiled with an "AHA".

After ballet class last night I was talking to a fellow dancer and she told me because of her situation she can only take 2 ballet classes a week but needs to keep in shape so she runs but she hates it but does not hate it as much as she hates the gym.  Whoa.  Yes I can relate.  I told her I even subscribe to "Runners World" magazine not because I run because I hate to run but because the stories are so inspiring by people who do.  I am in awe of how or why they think running is a healthy adventure.   Yet my commitment to studying ballet feels healthy and wonder how I would ever stay fit without the personal challenge.

When starting this blog as a creative outlet about a year ago I have gathered mass information about "How To Be A Successful Blogger" and it continues to overwhelm me.  All of the social media that is involved with the "followers" and the "like me" buttons let alone the "tweets" just makes me dizzy.   When my "AHA" moment came last weekend it was while thinking about how I can fit in to all this social mania?   I have decided to have my own little experiment and... respond to the challenges of blogging but not be held by it. 



  1. From one INFP to another. I too trained in Myers Briggs and used to teach it when I was working as a consultant. Now I know why I am not so good at Twitter etc.

    1. WOW! A kindred spirit. Are we still only one percent of the population or has that data changed? I am so glad I had the MBTI training. I love the idea that we can grow and change with the testing over the years and it shows our preferences rather than placing an identity upon us. If that makes sense?

  2. PS. Thanks for the tip on the red lipstick. I have tried and it does work. Just fancied a new lipstick

  3. I think I may be an INFP (although not tested and qualified as such). Re the comments on social media, I am not a participant (I got a Facebook account one year ago but quickly learned it's not me!) I know all the gadgets go with blogging, but who ever uses them? Nothing on my blog has ever been shared on FB, Tweeted and only one person has added one post on Google+. Conversely, I've never done any of these with anyone else's post. Like you, I just want to concentrate on writing the posts.

  4. Hi Sanda, I think your temperament may be an INFP as well. One percent of the population is not very many and here all three of us meet right here. Everytime I ask my daughter and others why they like Facebook every reason why sounds like my worst nightmare. My daughter is as strong an Extrovert as I am an Introvert. She is an ESFP and cannot understand how I can enjoy a walk on the river by myself and then a trip to the library. That would be her worst nightmare. Yes, you and I can explore the path of writing and enjoy the ride.

  5. Interesting, that you wrote this post just this weekend, as it has a connection to my post.
    Doing all those personality tests is interesting, but I really don´t believe in them.

    I am blue-eyed concerning blogging.
    I write using a traditional formate. I have thought of doing some reno work on " the looks ", but have not come up with a new idea yet.
    I do cherish my policies though - no advertising, no tweet-stuff, no facebook, no " likes ", no online counters of who-is-following-from-what-part-of-the-world, and I doubt I´ll ever start the " pinboard ".

    I feel annoyed, when people have those spies on their blogs.

    1. I like your policies. I have all of your "no's" as well. Not sure how my blog will evolve. If I come up with a creative idea that is commercial enough for advertisers to want to be represented I would first have to get over the shock and then figure out who I could hire to take me over the top!!!!!!!

  6. I hear you on the social mania--makes me crazy too. I'm still trying to find a happy place amongst it all--sometimes I wish things just had a like button--and nothing else.
