Sooo cold today no walk and no stretches at home my body. mind, spirit is craving ballet class. Hip still hurting but read my horoscope today and that could be changing in two weeks. Yay!!!
Health begins in the kitchen and I am liking my new diet. It is called The Harley Diet and I guess Kim Kardashian used it so why is he not calling it the KK diet to sell billions of copies? Fruit in the morning, starches an hour later and greens with protein for lunch and dinner. For the first time in awhile I feel energized and did not measure my inches but after only a few weeks I do have a flat stomach. Yay!!!
Watching Project Runway last night wrote down "As an artist work on finding who you are". "Who Am I" was one of my favorite classes at Marylhurst College. I really thought there was an answer to that question. 25 years later..I wonder what that would feel like? I have no idea Who I Am. Kobe the athlete I most admire says, "You have to see it first". And tonight I wrote down, "Yay for slow decisions and painful processes", expressed by another artist.
Sounds like a great diet plan!
I have been on so many diets but now am to a point where NUTRITION trumps all. I approached this balanced eating program hoping it would give me the energy I need to keep on dancing and it seems to be a winner. Thanks for visiting.