Thursday, May 17, 2012

Here We Come Beach

Tonight is a mellow evening.  Next week on this day I will be in Ft. Smith, Arkansas visiting my daughter and grandchildren that I only get to see once a year now.  We are going to take a road trip to Dustin, Florida where we will play Frisbee on the beach, boogie board in the ocean and shop. 
Dreaming of the beach is easy when work is draining right now.  The project is difficult and feels every call is not connecting and a losing game.  Luckily my coworkers are fun and we keep each other entertained.  Watching the NBA games is making me tired too since my Kobe is struggling.  I don't care how tired I am tomorrow after work I am going for a long walk on the river to renew my senses before I tune into the game at 7:30pm.  My puny little troubles right now are nothing compared to what some of my friends are having to experience.  Don't you wish sometimes you could just jump in and save the day or at the very least be able to say something to make everything better? 

I'm beginning to miss teaching yoga classes.  It will happen in its own time.  One of the yoga blogs wrote about as a teacher he cannot find a class he enjoys taking because of all the annoying yoga teachers.  How funny because I thought there was something wrong with me for feeling that way.  I know the psychology of student/teacher relationships and how easy to blame the teacher when you yourself as a student is the one that is the problem but what is annoying about yoga teachers can also be applied to dance teachers.  The complaint that stands out the most is the teacher that sits on her/his mat and repeats "Good" after every pose.   Yeah right!! 

For me the whole idea of taking a yoga class is to be aware of the "judge" inside of me and to be able to let it be.  Not accept it or deny it.  The poses are secondary.  But it sure feels good to hold the pose of the Dancer.  Until I keep falling over which is really annoying!!!!. 


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