Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Ballet Pink Boots

Going shopping at the Outlet stores is not my favorite thing to do.  It is well known you cannot trust the prices just because they are the so-called outlet stores.  It does not mean the items are automatically a good deal.   But I was going with a fun friend from ballet class and knew this day was going to be a good time.

We had never gone shopping together before and did not know each other very well.  We have very different styles so items she is drawn to I am not.  We were going into most every store in the Mall but when she wanted to go into Rockport I thought she was kidding.  I asked her if she was looking for boots and she said, "no, but you are."   I only like dressy boots and they have to have a heel or at least a wedge.  No flat boots for me.  She has one of those personalities that is so upbeat when she said, "one never knows what one might find" we were already in the store. 

I wandered up and down the aisle hoping she would hurry up and decide we could leave when she asked me to come see.  And there they were to my surprise.  The softest prettiest ballet pink swede hiking boots on sale for $15.00.  I wanted to get two pair and Vix wisely said, "no one needs more than one pair of powder pink boots".

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